Saturday 9 July 2011

In The Begining... ♥

Hello there peacocks,
     Let me be the first to introduce myself; I am B. I've just left sixth form, and completed my A-levels, so I guess I'm no longer a student. I don't plan on going to university this year but I will (hopefully) be doing an apprenticeship in being an electrician, later on the year. I live in a little sea side town in England, with my mummy, daddy and two kitties. I have a passion for punk, doc martens, home made things, baking, bargains, and bright hair (yet unfortunately my hair's currently brown due to a much needed job hunt, but it is in a mohawk!)
      My two kitties are called Max, and Aston. Max is my little baby cat, he's a grey tabby, and about 8 months old, and a total scamp! Aston's my dad's cat, he's absolutely lovely, all black, and 5 years old. They're trouble, but I can't even begin to describe how much I love them, they have such awesome personalities too.
    So, this is my first ever blog, and I hope you will enjoy reading it; I'll warn you now that I do have a tendency to ramble on at times, and my grammar isn't the best. I'll be writing about things that I've done, made, and link you to little things that I love. But first,... I'll tell you more about why you're here:
     The Baby Peacock (TBP) is a small venture of mine, hoping to sell the things that I love to make, from purses to jewellery to bags and to clothing, and also a few things in between. I am in the middle of opening up an Etsy, and an Ebay, this, as I'm sure you're now aware, is my blog. So you soon will be able to buy my rather fabulous creations online. I'll post the links asap. 
     Oh and if you're wondering about the name, it was one of Max's nicknames as a kitten; as whenever we sat down to eat he would try to steal our food. So when we locked him out of the room, he used to squark and make a noise like a little baby peacock. Thankfully he's stopped now, but the nickname stuck. 

     So now you know more about me, why don't you leave a little comment telling me something about yourself?
Oh, and please feel free to ask any questions you want answering.
Ciao peacocks.
Lots of love, B xx

An old picture of when we first got him, a very blue B & baby Max, sat on his favourite seat. 

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